AOSB Newsletters

The Aikido Dojo

The Aikido Dojo

In the Dojo Volume 2 Issue 2

By Josh Paul Sensei, AOSB head instructor

The word dojo literally means “the place of the way.” A dojo is a unique space dedicated to the pursuit of learning, meditation, and personal improvement and growth. The dojo is a brick and mortar establishment as much as it is an idea. Any place “the way” is practiced could be a dojo. A dojo does not have to be defined by its architecture or interior decor. A dojo is mostly defined by the people who gather and practice there.

Nevertheless, there are some special qualities and responsibilities associated with a dedicated training space like ours. We have the opportunity to train during class times and during off hours, we can store equipment and uniforms, and we can sit quietly for a moment of grounding in a serene environment. Read more…

Aikido Dojo